anon · 1y

Do you have a favorite moment, quote, or line from Eva? Or even a bunch of moments that have stuck with you from her?

HOOOO BOY what a loaded question ajhfaksfh,, i could list loads of different scenes or quotes here but i'll stick to the few scenes and quotes that came to mind immediately upon reading this question! those being the scene she has with hideyoshi in ep 1 in the guest room (it's the first clear moment where we see her put down her walls) and the scene in ep 8 where she reunites with ange in the golden land (i have such brainrot over that scene, she talks to ange as if it is 'obvious' she is not worthy of love) as for the quotes, the quotes “your aunt will always be on your side, ange-chan. …… i’ll never let anyone insult your family" and "'she' was my only ally. when things got difficult, when I felt like i was about to get crushed by it all, she would always quietly appear and support me. when I ran into roadblocks and despaired, she would always appear and support me" live rent free in my head

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