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mysterious creature · 4mo

What is their favorite past time to together but also on their own?

ORGH THIS IS HARD they have a lot of stuff they like to do together and also by themselves :,))
their favorite way to spend time together is doing parallel play , like they like doing their own things (i.e. lucky crocheting while chae is playing sudoku on her laptop) while being together on the couch with some music on or a cooking show on tv or something . if I were to say a second favorite of theirs it would definitely b cooking together even if they only do it once a week or so !!! but . there are so many little things they like doing together .
individually I think lucky's favorite thing to do is either gaming (and related things like maintaining her keyboard etc) or crocheting and chae's favorite thing to do is either playing word and number games (her favorite is sudoku) or working out !!! 🤸‍♀️

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