I never answered this so I’m gonna do that (I wanted to doodle stuff for it but I got so busy 8< )

I’m also gonna just assume you mean my main fursona tbrmrnffn

  1. She has two forms! A bear with antlers and a spooky cryptid form.
  2. She’s basically a big Smiler (look up backrooms entities!)
  3. I’ve actually decided to base a lot of her lore on the Backrooms bc I love it so much it’s like my fave spooky thing.
  4. She can change her voice to mimic others to lure prey and confuse victims.
  5. She’ll leave you alone if you give her chocolate milk (but only for a while so keep it handy)
  6. (Bonus) Because she’s a massive Smiler, the smaller Smiler entities view her as a leader and listen to her commands. 8)

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