.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.Kirby.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. · 10d

Hi mama! Do you have a favorite backroom creechur? Is there any creechurs your sona doesn't get along w in backrooms? What does their level look like?

Oh, this was something I was actually trying to think about. I wanna design some kind of fuzzy body for the other, smaller Smilers and they would all be like my little babies/minions (my sona being the Smiler QUEEN). I feel like she would have beef with the Howlers (or Bacteria? I’ve seen two names), the ones that look like a mass of squiggly wires, but I’d def love to do some more world building on that. I know there are SO many entities so I gotta read through them.

I would like to think that her level would look like a bioluminescent forest! But she likes to creep into level 1 and see what her little smiler babies are up to, and maybe look for snacks.

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