Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

geto glazer · 4mo

get on ur knees the way satoru does for geto and beg us for forgiveness. i’m still catching up with all this gogego drama in this fandom but i’ve never seen a gego do a single bad thing. like genuinely. if they do its just a joke (like the one i just made lmao) which y’all take too far to harass us for no reason. i think all goges should apologise on ama’s behalf for subjecting us to ur shit. if yew want original authentic content don’t come looking here. we need to bring that “geto is a ugly masculine lizard” pinterest user back so y’all can invest your time in better things and leave us and original creators alone. ship gojo with someone else i promise you’ll feel better. geto is tainted lol

this disney villain ass monologue…im not reading all that someone else give me a tldr in 5 words or less

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