Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Ever thought about making a merch shop? I would KILL to get keychains and prints of your stuff!!!

oof, i get that a lot but the thing is it would be too difficult to manage from venezuela :( i've tried redbubble and stuff but the earnings are a joke. i guess it also never crosses my mind since i got used to mostly working with simpsons art, and back when i worked on the couch gag, talking with a producer i learned that if i had sold any simpsons fan merch, it was possible that mr. Michael Mouse wouldn't have allowed me to work with them (the crew itself obviously doesn't mind but you know how higher ups are) so i try to be careful with that stuff. obviously some companies are more strict about this than others

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