Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

hi there! hopefully you don’t mind me asking, but i was curious as to what happened with the simpsons comic you were working on ages ago. i followed u back then with an old account but when the algorithm switched up i realized so many accounts i followed were disappearing into the nether. found u again and was curious, i rlly did and do love your simpson artwork !

hi! thank you, i'm glad you like my simpsons stuff! unfortunately that comic is on indefinite hiatus. i'm no longer happy with what i had written for it so i wanted to rework it, and i haven't had the motivation or inspiration for it. plus getting distracted with other projects or just irl stuff happening, etc etc a bunch of things. i'm not sure when i'll come back to it, but i do want to someday.

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