Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

are you going to make a curiouscat? retros closing. being devoured. its code is dissolving. the milk is sour. the cereal is dry. dulce is PISSED. we're fucked. i gotta get milk but the store's all out. the midnight dark has claimed the streets and the streetlamps have all blown out. its gonna be hard to get back home like this. i turn up to a 7/11, fumbling through the vantablack and stumbling over doors until I reach light once more. there is no traffic, the night is silent with only the momentary whirr of the ice machine out front to prod at my thoughts.

oh yeah i forgot this was shutting down huh .... when i open a CC ill do a Q&A thing to kick things off, keep your eyes peeled...

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