Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1y

just so you know, you can't post full blown nsfw on tumblr. it's bc it's an app; twit was built different, so it had leeway. you can post artistic nudity & maybe something suggestive on tumblr. some artist's post it with the cw mature. most don't use the sexual cw. but even if you use the cw label that's a gamble. i've seen artists get their art flagged with content warnings for suggestive art OR if it's too sexual, it gets taken down. cohost is your best bet for full blown nsfw i'm afraid.

i see i see... much to think about. thank you for the information! cohost looks pretty good but seems to not be gaining much traction I'm afraid 😔

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