Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1y

any thoughts on soen, shortcake?

taking full ownership of the term shortcake now! now, now, let's talk about soen. have you ever had something so beautiful, you dared not to touch it so as to preserve its ever pristine state? that's my soen. they remind me of all my favourite things in the world-- my favourite cake, my favourite book, my favourite painting, and that one journal i've never opened since i was eleven because i always thought it was too pretty to write on. i long to keep them encased always in my arms (loose enough so as not to break them), so i am certain that no one would ever taint their beauty. my sweet soen's soul is nothing short of amazing too, and it is incomparable to any of others' that i have encountered. whenever i am in their presence, i feel both valued and loved. i long to make them feel the same, always.

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