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silly · 1y

what is kit's favorite food and game of choice? [very important]

ey like spicy foods in general and also ummmm. uhhhhhh chocolate dipped strawberries

his game of choice is minesweeper :3c eyre decently good at it id like to think. also the type of guy to fuck around and make everyone lose just because he can

batsu / thui · 1y

what game do you think angelica and bobble would play alot with eachother

kappi · 1y

ec ocs . what are their relations with eachother

kit and bobble were probably friends🔥 bobble wenf missing for a little while before joining and they havent talked since. this is subject to change tho i just talked out of my ass

as for the others kit is friendly with lester and dominic and just has a general dislike towards everyone else. doesnt do much about the dislike towards people tho #selfcontrol

Hiko · 1y

Any facts about any of your roblox oc?

silly · 1y

can i have a listen on anything thats about agaric/contrail like facts you havent tweet about them or something!!!!!!!!! also i am really interested in your ocs they're really cool

ok im answering this again mb

agaric tend to overwork itself to feel like they could achieve something and feel good about itself . thats why pre missing arc it drowned itself into their work and stuff

honestly still figuring out why they went missing . idk if ive said this on twt before but im thinking it could be like . agaric finds out something about concept and Other People and went missing because of it

as for contrail they can die for all i care (literally just a projection of agaric and how obscure views them but more. mysterious i guess (for the reason why idk either i just think its cool))

kappi · 1y

all of your anon’s fav foods/drinks?

agaric loves black coffee tho they would complain about how bitter it is lol and it likes lemon tarts

contrail can go eat dirt or something i hate them

gardener likes soda. especially peach And she likes anything sweet i guess!?!?

astrosect likes anything coffee flavored

and mansia loves vanilla flavored things!!!! i hate all my ocs i hope they die

Hiko · 1y

Dear Phightiers, the train arriving from Iron Cafe is about to arrive at platform two at four minutes. Please mind the gap, and the explosives that come with said train.

people who play phighting are gay thank god im not one of them fuck all of you

lilithsoul · 1y

ok . what r your silliest things like uuhuhuhh of heartfelt garden meows loudly

HEARTFELT GARDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HEARTFELT GARDEN I WANT THEM BOTH GONE I WANT TO GRIND THEM INTO ASH who wanna go on dimension hopping dates with me and we kill stuff together
also its kinda funny to think that a gardener and a janitor can hop thru dimensions . idk its silly in a good way

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