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lurkers · 8mo

Who's your favorite artist?

Claude Monet <3 my favorite piece is the one of his wife and child in a field.

lurkers · 8mo

What's your go-to guilty pleasure snack?

lurkers · 8mo

First I wanna say I really like your art, you draw very well!
And I'm curious about what kind of relationship between Iris and Carver? I really want to know more stories about them, such as how they viewed each other and what it was like when they first met

Thank you!
Iris and Carver actually don't know each other in our (me and tish cause Iris is part of tally's canon) lore anymore. They wouldn't be introducing at any point either.

but in our AUs, they'll usually be good friends or have a sibling relationship :>

lurkers · 8mo

Hewwo baws I wuv you uwu can u get who I am

lurkers · 8mo

How do you manage to draw each mdhm character’s hair? I struggle a lot, any tips?

lurkers · 1y

i dont know if this was asked before but if your mdhm ocs were animals what would they be?

iris - mouse
ollie - goldren retriever
sparrow - a crow believe it or not
bael - bat
ella - rabbit

lurkers · 12mo

Can you tell me about Sparrow? What inspired them?

Sparrow i made solely as an oc to ship with Stu before i had made Bael or knew other creators in the community. I don't really use them ever bc my focus stayed with Iris. When i made ollie i realized their aesthetics were matching so i made them siblings!

The only real lore about sparrow i have is that they're adopted, 19, and genderfluid (amab).

Wizard_Led · 12mo

Swenpetals lore? 🥺
Swenpetals lore? 🥺
No swenpetals lore? 🥺🥺🥺

lurkers · 1y

Mmmmm what is your weekend plan? :3c

comms and gym? dunno im a live in the moment person so i dont always have a plan!

Eugene · 1y

Okay Band! Stu is much more attractive enough to be a fuck boy than OG! Stu. Do you think what made Band! Stu be this different than Stu in OG and mostly other au? Like the fame, maybe his different looking or did you not think about it? :3c

It's having friends that actively supported him. Friends that were real and wanted to share a dream and eork just as hard for it. Tish and I never get into how Alan, Carver, and Stu are as friends but they've been friends for a long time. Its their bond that has allowed Stu to gain more confidence and feel good knowing he's doing something and accomplishing it. He's keeps the other two grounded but they provide him the hype. Sometimes being confidence just makes you more attractive! Especially when its genuine.

Wizard_Led · 1y

Who did Ollie have his first kiss with? :>

Eugene · 1y

Ollie’s major? 👀👀

ollie never had the experience of being an older brother since sparrow was adopted when they were older.

Eugene · 1y

Sheesh like how many hidden kids does Band! Stu have? UwU and will you make him have more enough to be the worst bish? 😉

HAHA oh no that's not canon! that's just me self indulging 😂 but in this hypothetical, he wouldn't actually have other kids. i tried to depict it as if this was a moment where stu was reckless and bael didn't think enough about what she was asking from him, but i guess bc all of band au's lore isnt public it's hard to tell. not taking precautions is not a normal occurrence for band stu!

lurkers · 1y

Can Nic eat ice cream?
I don't know but I feel like Nic has like a warmer body temperature than a normal person and so if he holds an ice cream it melts super fast in his hand XD

Eugene · 1y

Bellll well sowwy first
Can you tell me what NDA means? I couldn’t find any post to help me understand 8w8 plwease??

an NDA is a Non Disclosure Agreement. For idols they use these kinds of contracts so a person can't disclose any information of their involvement with an idol. Im not sure if this is fact checked but kpop idols use them to hook up with fans, which is what Stu uses them for in band au

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