Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous friend · 5mo

It is maybe a little too early for that, but can you write a winter themed zakkura story? With them both going snowboarding or and visiting an onsen/ hot spring together?
Iam such a fan of winter themed storys, the boys having a chance to calm down, sitting on the couch with a warm blanket over them, go for a walk together, enjoying the time with each other etc...
Wanted to send you this sooner so you can think about it.
I also hope that you are feeling better now <3

omg i actually have exactly two (2) winter wips in the works..! there's one "bonus" hwr chapter (it just never made the official cut) and fair altar 4 kindddaaaa takes place in winter..? they go to a bathhouse if that counts. it feels very wintry anyway. although neither are, homey-winter. for some reason i have a hard time writing happy moments in winter and i think it's because i'm not too fond of winter myself 😭💔 it's so cold!!!!

thank you <3 i'm feeling so much better now!!!!

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