Little stotch boy

22, he/him, proshipper🧈👔
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Stotchling · 10d

What do boners feel like please it's important

idk how to explain it in understandable terms. you just feel something expanding down there. ummm i’m gonna assume it feels similar to touching your aroused clit except it’s really big. also it’s kinda like when you get your blood pressure taken, except when you touch your arm it’s pleasurable. that’s how the wiener feels, but other than that it’s uncomfortable when it’s unwanted and makes your draws and trousers feel tighter if you’ve got them on

Stotchling · 16d

Top 5 South Park shotas list go

Stotchling · 25d
Stotchling · 28d

thoughts on butters being raped by two uncles (canon)

YASSSSSS me and sizzy girl made up lore and stuff for butters’ uncle larry. she designed him and i get brainworms for him every once in a while

Stotchling · 30d

what do you think of butters stotch getting canonically anal raped by uncle budd

Stotchling · 1mo

Have you everything drawn butters in lingerie? I'd die

Stotchling · 2mo

What do you think of the published fics on ao3 of leophen, which was your favorite?

i’ve read all of them more than once… i usually dislike fics with improper grammar, punctuation, etc. but i can get past that when it’s leophen. this is my favorite ;)

Stotchling · 2mo

fav leophen prompt

shiii uhhh… uhhhhhhhh uhhhhhh… uhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhh uhhhhh… shi uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhh YEHEHAHOO 🥴🥴

Stotchling · 4mo

Wyd today

Stotchling · 4mo

What's a no-go kink/fetish for u??

if you try hard enough you can get me to like anything tbh but maybe you have to try particularly hard with scat or farts because i imagine it and i hate the smell of dookie

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