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ANON · 7mo

also im only talking about actual, genuine cases and not like. random dumbass children on PT who know nothing. i am just saying this is just a possibility in how DID can present, things i stated in my asks are all real symptoms, i just dont want people to disregard/dismiss others who have genuine symptoms/presentation that dont fit the "typical"/more common presentation/view of DID. because its An Entire Presentation.

genuinely all of what youve said has helped me so much , i can see everything that is wrong about that strawpage and from this and all the damage it has caused ive decided to permanently make it private . i 10000000000% based far too much of it on mine and my partner systems experiences alone and although i had researched i actually struggled to find shit about such specific things like all of what youve said , seriously thank you so much . i feel like DID/OSDD is so ... opinionated ? in a way ? everywhere you look you see different opinions on what happens and its SO confusing AS someone with DID myself ... i really hate it . i always see people say 'no , this happens !' and then 'no , thats impossible , its this !' with DID/OSDD and obviously its like this with every disorder but with DID/OSDD it just seems even worse . theres a few points in what you wrote where i dont think you 100% understood what i meant , and a few other points where its just obvious you dont play ponytown but for the most part all of what youve said has helped me a ton and i cant thank you enough for taking the time to write out all of that . genuinely this strawpage has brought me to hell and back and its definitely time to put it to rest . (its 6am and im running on no sleep so apologies if this is a godawful reply)

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