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akitofan · 12d

hello artemis i have a question/observation about akitos room bc i dont think ive seen anyone talk about this (probably missed it) and i just realized it myself but...

the whole time i thought the door on the right side of his room background (by his bed) is the door into his room from outside.....but its actually maybe a closet?? his unfading wishing card you can see the same jacket and furniture and stuff from the same angle so....the room door is where the "camera" is located, if that makes sense....

the whole time i thought he kept all of his clothes in those shelves on the left side so now i cant tell if its some sort of continuity error, the door leads to a closet, it goes to a completely different room or i'm just stupid. please help me. hes your son just ask him for me im going insane.

yeah i definitely think that’s just a closet for his bedroom LOL if you check ena’s hers is built the same way with a closet on the same side + camera POV door. you can tell this last part from the blank canvas 4koma where akito peeks in through the door and sees her throwing something at her bed on the left, which matches up with the background.

as far as his clothes go he just prefers to hang them up/have them easily accessible because he’s a fashion guy and hates when clothes get wrinkled <— mysekai dialogue. hope this helps u from going insane

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