⟣ Vanitas · 9 answers · 15d

hot take: i loathe frosted sugar cookies they taste like CARDBOARD!!!!

I like some of them and not others. Maybe you just haven't found a good recipe yet. The same is true of things like Brussels sprouts; it's how you cook them.

Some cookies taste like cardboard or whatever to me, but sugar cookies don't, I guess - they're too sweet to taste like cardboard, though I don't like them a whole lot because they only taste like sugar. (I haven't eaten frosted sugar cookies, but I imagine they're basically the same but even sweeter.)

† ⠀⠀That's the BEST PART of them though they're dry and moist at the same time and they taste good but also like ass and they're so addicting oh god I want frosted sugar cookies I'M FREAKING THE FUCK OUTTTTTTT !!!!!!! GRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

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