
u can have whaterver u want idgaf about rentry ive #matured

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`(* >﹏<*)′ · 12mo

sorey for stalking BUT holy guacamole ur retro spring is so funny….. like. sure you can spam “die already” in my inbox but anon said “i love u, stranger. i hope ur fine. if anyone tells u to kys or steals ur identity or rentry or WHATEVER.. i just hope you know that i’m rooting for you fully, esp when no one was rooting for me” 😭😭 /silly

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

aw ily anon ☹️☹️ i am genuinely so so so so so so so so sososoos sorry that people are saying those things you don’t deserve that at all

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

hii would you be willing to give away /tneu?

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

hihi !!!! could i have /comets , /cutests or /shimmer ?

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

yelllo ! could i have /--_-- ?

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

haii could i get /friiiy ?

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

ur retrospring is basically fucking unreadable i cant see shit.. nd the banner.. its just straight up ugly im sorry like

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

hi! is /comets up for trade && where can i contact u ? ^_^

yes it ’ s up for trade ! you can contact me at my discord (( xena#0707 )) or my twitter (( @frilliests )) ♡

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

ill now add u on there ! ♡ srry for late reply T_T

`(* >﹏<*)′ · 1y

hihi i was wondering is rentry.co/cake-mix for trade ノ give away ? its v cute and i would ♡ to own it . . . i can tell you my discord if needed ^_^

Avi · 1y

prev anon is too scared to go off anon aha . . if ur gonna be mean say it to my face

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