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ADELAINE. · 9 answers · 10mo

What song you'd hear when you realize that you are in love?

I don’t have any particular song I’d listen to each time I fall in love but when I fell for someone once, I remember practicing with the song bad by wave to earth and immediately think of this certain someone.

The songs I listen to when I'm in love are different, depending on the situation and who I'm in love with. But last time, it was Delicate.

DEFINETLY hybrid moments by misfits. dont know why, but AHHHH 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

Daylight by Taylor Swift and all of the songs in the playlist I gave to my boyfriend.

I'd like to listen to some upbeat songs that matches how I feel, and it boost my adrenaline and serotonin at the same time. Like recently, so american by olivia rodrigo is on loop for me and I sing along to it like craaaaazy.

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