Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

birdies🕊️ · 4mo

aku.... sayang..... banget..... sama elly.............. one of the best thing i've ever done in X was being elly's moots😍😍😍 luv u bby, keep being yourself ya sayanggg luv u so much lah pokoknyaa. Makasii sudah sering jbjb in akuu, AKU SENENG BGT JUJUR actually this is my first time having an online moots yg aku nyaman interaksinyaa (beside my irl friends ia) huhuuu luv banyak' ❣️

Aku juga syaang kamu banget!! Ahaha, gemes sekali ini…. Iya sayang, no problem! 😉 I strive to make my friends happy, and one of them is you! Jangan kapok temenan sama aku ya, makasih banyak udah mau nempel sama Elly sampai sekarang, mwah mwah, ily bby💗💗 <33

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