Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Shun · 4mo

May happiness always be with you, and may you have the strength to conquer every challenge. No matter the obstacles, I hope your heart stays open to joy and love. Good morning, Elly sayang. Selamat menjalankan aktivitas 🔥

KAKAKKK SHUN SAYAAANGG😭🩷🩷 THIS IS SO SWEET AKU MENINGGOY…. You’re the best T____T!!! Good not so morning anymore, kakak sayang! Thank you so much for the sweet reminder… I hope hari ini kakak juga baik-baik aja ya! Don’t forget to eat something, then get some rest. Don’t think about stuff too much, you deserve all finest things in life! Aku sayang kakak Shun! 🩷

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