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Ellie ! · 11 answers · 6mo

If you could speak fluent of another language, which language would you choose?

Mandarin. I’ve learnt Mandarin my whole life and sampe sekarang masih ga bisa…. 😪

Bby aku kayaknya bakal pilih korea sama jepang. Soalnya udah dari kecil sukanya kedua ituuu shshshsh

Korean, well actually waktu SMP dulu karena SUKA BANGET sama kpop aku jadi learning hangul and pronunciation nya yah gampang soalnya mirip mirip but the hardest part is SPOK nya, it's totally different 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Chinese—Mandarin. I want fluent in it because my current Mandarin is REALLY BAD.

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