Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

you know what after the last several month i just knew that dongmarkers are going to be the one to start shit and ruin this nation.. they have been posting many things and saying things to make us look bad for our prefrence the drew many horrible ideologies about those who prefered markdong. As someone that enjoys markdong more but can still appreciate dongmark content and support dongmark content creators i got hurt reading what they thought about us although they say and do things that they blame us for

I didnt see any malicious words or intent in the first ask about this, they only asked my opinion expressing a preference and wondering about mine. if you see someone making you look bad about shipping, the best thing to do is ignore ad laugh at them because, with peace and love, shipping is fictional and there is really nothing to be this serious about

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