Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

same anon btw
I don't hate anyone but it was obvious that things are going to shit with the way they behaved and I'm sad because this nation is where i find happiness but not anymore i guess they are acting like those haters that used to go around asking people why they loved mahae together and said that they hate each other like they knew them.. you can ignore this and not post it if you feel it will bring trouble i just needed to let it out.

hi same anon, The best advice I can give you is to curate your space, your happiness is based on what you make of it for yourself and the people you surrond yourself with. if you take your time to do so, I can assure you it will bring you happiness again. I personally unfollowed or mute accounts that I felt brought hateful thoughts or gave me a bad vibes, I havent really seen any ship wars on my account since. I dont count asks asking my opinion or vision on alpha mark as judgmental and I was happy to reply with all the things that I enjoy about him.

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