Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Lili · 10mo

i'm glad and super thankful of your presence in my life. you've done a very good job here and there and you have no idea how much you have saved me. you deserve so many good things this world can offer. plz be happy (and stick around me longer)

YOU'RE TOO KIND, that really means a lot to me tho. Your kind words makes it all worthwhile. I'm super duper mega happy to be here and there for you in any way I can. And as for good things, I feel 37274849% lucky to have you in my life (One of the things I'm most grateful for in the past year is meeting you 💗). Here's to hoping we keep saving each other—and maybe even find a few good things along the way. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere (Even if I'm lost, you know exactly where to look for me, right? wink wink)

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