Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

baby · 5mo

hi !! I just started reading your socmed au (I love it!!) and I saw your tweet about how the thread fucks up when you update and I wanted to try and help !!

if you delete the taglist tweet(s) before adding the update tweets, and continue directly from the most recent update tweet in the thread (i.e when it's time for the next update, put 53 after 52 rather than after the taglist), it should fix the problem you're having !!

if you weren't looking for suggestions I understand and you can just ignore this 😅😅 !!

omg thank u sm!!! i thought that’s what i was doing but i am a bit ditsy at times so i probably wasn’t.. tysm baby for ur kind words too :3

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