friendly anon · 2mo

Share some Reina lore rn

oh boy... let's see. weapon of choice is a dagger, has been living on their own for awhile, hair used to be darker but she spends a lot of time outside so the sun made it lighter over the years, according to my notes from 2019 they're 23? wears fingerless gloves to avoid calluses (it's actually just because i thought they looked cool while i was designing her). its pronouns are whatever i feel like while i'm writing. the hairclip is a gift, the earrings are just there because they also look cool. apparently she gets lost easily too but i'm changing that lore i think they have pretty good navigational skills. can use magic naturally but is self-taught when it comes to actually honing it so she doesn't like using magic around other people in case she can't control it properly. favourite season is summer. main magical element is light(ning) but i gave it a few support skills too.

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