Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

aya · 5 answers · 5mo

Hi guys, good night. Today my head feels full of unnecessary thoughts. My ex just returned from his internship. I didn't think about being with him anymore and just said 'oh he's back.' The thing that makes my head full is when I think that I may be numb and can't fall in love with a new person anymore. Like my very slate life. Can I get a little encouragement and motivation from you guys? I really need it now to continue my life journey. Thank you guys, love you <3

Gak apa, sebab gak semua harus dipaksa. Kadang butuh waktu lama, tapi bukan berarti gak bisa. Fokus ke diri sendiri, banyak hal yang bisa diraih. Tunda dulu soal cinta.

hi aya, it's completely okay to feel this way. sometimes our hearts take a little longer to heal, and that's perfectly normal kok! love will find you again when you're ready <3 you are on the right path ayaa, and great things are ahead for you! semangat yaah sayang 🧚🏻‍♀️🩷

halo aya, apa yang kamu rasakan sekarang itu valid kok. proses yang kamu jalanin ini emang pahit banget. tapi percayalah, balal ada sesuatu yang baik, dateng ke kamu. you can take a rest, biar lebih enakan. jangan terlalu maksain ya? you deserve got something good too

It is normal to long for that someone to return to your life when you know it is the best way to cut them. In our grieving process, sometimes we falter. But we can get back again. I am sure that someone will give you unconditional love and would love you gently yet passionate. It is just not that ex and I hope you can release him and find someone new who loves you.

Hii! that's okay to have a thought like that. Just let's not thinking about it now, just focus on yourself, pampering yourself, treat yourself as best as you can. Then a love will come to you by itself, everyone needs love, so you do and don't be scared about it. But for now just let's focus to think about yourself and doing your favorite things to do. Semangat bb <3

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