yurilanders · 1y

nuh uh you have to name all the mutuals you can off the top of your head you cannot just talk about itaru chigasaki (is that his name? i don’t know him i apologise) just try your best i believe in you undeadyuri

but itaru.. itaru chigasaki.. my stinky salaryman of a gamer.. also itaru is from a3 but anon, i appreciate the encouragement but i’m also an old man.. fine fine, i’ll do it.
i hope it’s okay if i include my girlfriends but: basil, kaoru, koogi, tobin, talek, akira, sam, ari, zach, min, nana, ein, kino, vemmie, deep, mio, kian, apollo, mafi, ell, emi, cher, funko, star, juno, nat, emmi, vulpie, ven, leo, kou. that is a lot of people but if you’re asking for usernames you’re barking up the wrong tree.

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