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anon ☆ · 9d

What's happening now is not even sm vs exo anymore. It's suho vs exols. If you read the proper translated interview it's not like what suho said is wrong. Exols are hating on him because he made a valid response.

anon ☆ · 10d

AMAZING SCENES FROM HER HIGHNESS !! he just wants to be pretty and spoiled and find a good man huh 🥹🥹🥹🥹

anon ☆ · 11d

what rv mv used ai?

anon ☆ · 11d

suyeol is SO alive..... he's back to publicly simping....

you know I got so enthusiastic about how how could finally be their moment, the realised jm’s huge tour is about to start..typical suyeolism to be lovely to each other with no opportunity to go on a date about it 😤😤😤

anon ☆ · 11d

jaaaaaaaay suyeol are breathing omg - 🐰

THEY’RE DOING MORE THAN JUST BREATHING..they’re singing dancing yelling and throwing a little parade

anon ☆ · 14d
anon ☆ · 19d
anon ☆ · 15d

We aren’t going to escape SMxAI anytime soon, seeing how Aespa and Red Velvet’s MVs and teasers heavily use them. The difference is the only one getting consistently beat over the head about it is Junmyeon(and for way more innocuous uses), and from his supposed fandom too. The others have it easy because they’re fan favorites and their fans defend them. Suho-ls just want to look hyper intellectual and morally superior shitting on him for others to join in because of the moral high horse they saddled.

there are reasons for these things and I’m not spending my good human time listing them, but I have seen wider scale disappointment over the rv teasers (not necessarily because people suddenly care, but because they’re realising it’s lazy and poorly executed). sm love a technology fad and especially one that’s going to save money, but honestly I think they’re going to push their luck with this very quickly in delivering low quality products as well as it going off trend pretty fast

anon ☆ · 15d

Not that I hate you or anything, you seem pretty levelheaded on most things and I’ve enjoyed your creative input/output in the Suho community, but it annoys me that his already small fandom has to deal with the ouroborus of wanting right and doing what is thought is right completely setting him back in comparison to the unison and attuned actions of other subfandoms.

anon ☆ · 17d

Saw someone say that Suho laughs as a way of self-soothing, and it hasn't left me. It was so evident in his My Little Day episode. 

hmm respectfully disagree that that’s what it is ;~; but the show was very nice, seeing him so relaxed and giggly and around his band..including the new guys who already seem to be fitting in and adoring him 🥹

anon ☆ · 16d

sm entertainment is shit and that's not up for discussion, however I'm extremely disappointed in CBX. How do you reach an agreement and instead of having an actual paper agreement you set verbal agreement? That's amateur. If they didn't record the meeting they can't prove it. I have no hope they will win this and now the winter album is canceled. 2nd time in a row they mess the group activities. At this point I really don't care anymore and wish everyone followed their own path

anon ☆ · 16d

I am so glad jm has pivoted his role and responsibilities in the group in the last few years... I cannot fathom the disaster that his life would have been otherwise in the current circumstances... also I am sure cbx and other members prefer dealing with sm themselves instead of grinding jm as the middle man... if it had been like older times, everyone would have had a harder time taking such strong steps... some changes happen for the best

anon ☆ · 16d

exols always react by blaming junmyeon. asking him to speak up about something he's not involved in? saying they are boycotting his activities because he's under sm entertainment? hard to believe the things being said about him would have been asked from another member. it just pushes fan away and turn them into solos and we cannot blame them

yeah..unfortunately there’s always some people who fall straight into sm’s trap of making this an internal issue rather than exo vs company 😞 there’ll always be some fans who have a very shallow view of the members relationships and roles, and understanding of how any of this works. they don’t realise this is way beyond his pay grade and nothing he can help with, or that it just harms all of them to try and boycott activities..sigh. I wish we could be a stronger community for the boys at times like this, but it gets so messy and fragmented (and disappointing that he’s still viewed the way he is) ☹️

anon ☆ · 17d

hwa anon again (gonna start using the 🐰 when leaving stuff here since both hwa and junmy are bunnies 🫨)!! i went to check stuff for interactions and i can't believe i missed out on so many crumbs?? hwa saw him perform and cheered him on?? them practicing the chore for the tiktok together?? junmy doing the atz choreo during his performance?? hwa speaking soooo sweetly of his interactions with junmy??? also but of them looking extra pretty with their long hair together??? - 🐰

🐰! right! I really hope this means they could end up friends 🥹 out of all of them that it would happen to be hwa..and that he speaks of jm so nicely! it would be lovely if they could end up developing a relationship (and keep being pretty together !! we were so fortunate that the day they met happened to be the day jm had that hair styling 😭🙏✨

anon ☆ · 17d

I've just come to conclusion suho is just little guy and he's adorable. How can someone be so tiny and cute

that’s what he wants you to think (°_°) he is sooo tiny and cute but beware..also devious and mischievous !!

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