
icon by @sun_hina_flower! in-character answers are marked by ☀️ emoji

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Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 1d

mihitetotomo as fruits? :3 or anything similar

tomoya is a potato first & foremost. idc. but if i had to choose a fruit it'd be a banana for similar reason– doesn't taste like much on its own but can be used in a variety of super tasty ways! don't have a solid reason for this but tetora gives me cherry vibes...? (i dont like cherries) i feel they kinda have a um punchy (???) taste. mihir is a citrus of some sort but lemons feel too strong and oranges too mellow. need a good midpoint 😭

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 6d

what's mihir's favourite thing about tetotomo ? (for the yumeship ask image you posted, i follow you on private ><)

woa... thank U for thinking of them, private stranger..! i answered ab their personalities already so ill take this opportunity to talk ab physical things,, mihir rly Likes tetora's hands... they're bigger than buns and always warm and his fingers are pretty and njce to play with.. especially when he finds out ab the power of accessorising & wears rings. as for tomoya, his baby cheeks are so adorable i hope they never go away & he has a baby face til hes geriatric. i dont think he's the type to pay toooo much attention to his hair, but it's prob so fluffy and nice to stroke... relieves stress jsut like petting a bnnuy...

Astrae · 7 answers · 23d

Is this like a general sort of question..? or would it be posted to everyone's inboxes but hi hello :3 wishing you all a nice day on your sides of the world <3

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 26d

discovered a new song and now I just want to give you the idea of Mihir having a bad day and either tetora or tomoya (your choice) putting on a song and taking sol by the hands and just vibing together, swaying around, shuffling together, making funny moves and dancing all around the room until sol's smiling and laughing again

pspspsps share the song.... tbh mihir's the type to clam up after a bad day so i could totally see it happening,, they could team up together to cheer sun up ajdjhdhf ><

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 26d

hi! It's more like a random talk than nice things to say to u but I love the yumes community so much.. at first I was embarrassed to imagine myself with my favs and post it but seeing almost everyone is okay with it now and seeing their beautiful artwork makes me want to join too omg these people are cute .. Thank you guys It makes me feel good about myself when I imagine it. I hope everyone keeps posting all their work It makes me really happy

i understand you so much... i was super shy about it too for a long time before i bit the bullet and made this account n im so happy i did because i met so many wonderful people and so many awesome ships + support for my own,,, it makes me super happy too :D

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 26d

wondering whether mhttm have very specific cafe orders that they get every time that the other will 100% remember and surprise them with constantly

HEHEHE this is so cute,, whenever tomoya's near sun favourite confectionery or smthg he always makes sure to get caramel custard or lemon tarts for sol even if he gets scolded by the manager for making them take a detour 😭

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 27d

hello nonoomf, this is not a question but i just want to say your yumeships are very very wholesome and cute <3 hope this doesn't come across as weird ><

it isn't weird at all don't worry! sjdjf i didn't really expect people other than me to gaf ab my ships so im really happy you like them ^^

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 1mo

mihichan !! when's the next album?! are the rumors true that you will collab with ra*bits.....?

☀️:it's a secret~♪ as for ra*bits senpais, i don't think i'm anywhere near their level yet >_< a collaboration with them would be a dream come true for any idol !!! they're the very pinnacles of what a “cute” idol should be— but i won't lose either! senpais, watch out★

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 1mo

hi this is twt user writingintheory in the flesh, with a whole adoption certificate with mihir's name on it, so adoption anon I will meet u in the parking lot @ 1 am and we will square up :> (/j)

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 1mo

takes you & adopts you... 🤗🩷 /p /pos

this is really sweet but are you willing to fist fight with twitter user writingintheory for it /hj

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 1mo

e: HAIIIIII IM SORRY I HAVENT SEEN U AROUND A LOT I THINK IVE BEEN BUSY W OTHER STUFF WHEN UR AWAKE/TOO SLEEPY TO TALK. I MISS YOU!!! 🧡🫶 also. i read uhm. fuuuck whats it called. the dead end cafe story?? i quite enjoyed tomoya’s character in that esp w/ wataru! /gen though fr can lil dude catch a break???? like ever ??? anyways !!! HAI! :3 have u eaten today?

HIII ETHAN i get it timezones are so fucky u___u that's a rly fun & silly story :3 tmwt my beloved.... tomoya ultimate boyfailure cannot catch a break ever is everything. i just had brekkie and ill be going out w a friend in q bit for a school thing so :D packed sched todayy

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 2mo

you're really cool >\\< i might have a little crush on you

i think your definition of cool is a little skewed cause How. i just come on here and talk ab my yumeships in the most cringe way possible

wogglywiggler · 2mo

hiya pyx i’ve been thinking about mihiteto again might draw them again. do you have any suggestions on like poses or scenes.

HIHIHI i think about. mihir testing lipsticks out by putting them on and kissing tetora's face all over so much

Mihir Fan Club Member #198 · 2mo

did you deactivate ur priv or did it get taken down? is everything okay??

yeah i deactivated 😭 don't worry about it i just do it sometimes . needa be less online

Shion · 2mo

[🦋] hii ^_^ what type of ice cream flavor does mihir often order? also is sol a fan of ice cream cakes? because I’m already imagining Shion giving sun one xd

sun loves strawberry ice cream!!! yum.... def prefers any kinds fruity flavors! (wow... isn't that cannibalism) YAYY ice cream cake :33 mihir would love to help shion bake even if sun is a beginner!! like santas elf or something (idk why that's where my mind went)

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