anon · 2y

PLEASE WRITE ABIUT ITTTT!!!!! i miss your minlix au 🥹🥹🥹

sorry for answering late anon and i too miss my mnlx aus - writing has been hard lately. that being said, i did have some ideas for mermaid au (i really hope your ask was related to that au)!! i have no plans on expanding it into an actual fic, but i really like the concept of fisherman!lmh accidentally reeling in mer!lfx and then both of them figuring out how to communicate with each other when they speak different languages. lmh being slightly concerned when lfx makes some deep sounding noises in the back of his throat when lfx is just trying to compliment lmh's grilled fish. lfx accidentally throwing a fish he brought as a gift on lmh's face because the fisherman came earlier than usual and the mer wanted to surprise him, making lmh even more concerned. both of them kissing under the moonlight while floating in the sea, as lfx keeps lmh afloat since the fisherman can't swim.

sorry for the slightly long answer anon, but as you can see i'm very normal about them. splendidly neutral, if you will.

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