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enzo · 9mo

IT IS I my question is whatt are some things about your hpii story that you feel like sharing 🌈🌈 (obviously not obligated to answer but im curious to know more about it)

Okk so this is a bit difficult to explain but in Ruler of Everything Time talks about an undercover brotherhood and I believe this is further elaborated on in Fate of the Stars so basically Time & Fate are these multi-dimensional beings and because there was an unbalance of good & evil in the world they picked Simon at random to experience tragedies over & over in one big loop sort of how Fate of the Stars can be interpreted , (in the animatic I made the angel-like figure is Fate because he is the god who is putting Simon through all of that, not his actual form but parts of his face are blurred because human beings just can’t comprehend those gods.) with so much negativity happening to Simon over and over it keeps the universe Simon is a part of in check in a sub universe

Also the Sirens in hpii sort of have the ability to change or affect the way a person in a vulnerable mindset perceives things, it was easy to do this to Simon because his brain was fried from TME (which I like to think affected him like Snitter from plague dogs where he had minor seizures , hallucinations , as well as a loss of balance or direction. He escapes from the ward he was held in and steals a boat as well as fur coat from a nearby boating dock and thinks he can sail back to Greenland despite selling his home because he wanted to start a new life in Hawaii and he had nothing left) The siren made him see a distorted/blurred Stella and he was so entranced he followed it which leaded to him being drowned BUT after he does die he wakes up in his bed to experience it again

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