Anonymous Agent · 2y

Hi with the recent zine scams going on, I checked out your shipping and finance mod. The shipping mod only have 1 completed zine and the finance mod previous projects arent linked to check. I love the idea of this zine so I would love if the mod team could consider or do some efforts into vouching and assuring the reliability of the mods.

Thank you in advance, I hope it doesnt come off as rude, I just want to have some reassurance. Thank you.

Hi! We totally understand the potential concerns caused by the recent events in the zine community (we have a Mod integrity statement addressing what measures we are taking to ensure accountability: Both our Finance and Shipping Mods have signed a contract regarding management of funds and merchandise to be safe. Furthermore, we can vouch for the skills and reliability of both, as they each were part of a project that has finished and are involved in many successful ongoing zines that are nearing completion. Although they have only been part of our team for a few weeks, they have already made significant contributions to our planning process and have been doing great work in their respective roles!

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