Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Qin Che · 2 answers · 11mo

I’m so sorry everyone. I can do this anymore. They keep coming. Getting harrased like this,i wish i never accept those request. I wish i never do this in the first place. I’m truly sorry… i’ll delete my account if that’s what you want. Forgive me. I hope everyone have a blessing day. I'm sorry I can’t stay as qin che like this. I’m the worst i know,its not even last a month. I’m sorry we cant continue our gartic daily. And for hyperrider1224 and all of ur alter account,i hope you root in hell.

i'm sorry for what happened to you. you're such a sweet person, nest. and it breaks my heart after i read the whole thing. it's alright if you don't wish to continue, it's for the best and i want you to feel safe. i hope you recover soon! thank you for willing to listen about my day, and sorry if i'm not a good texter. we might haven't talk to each other for that long but i consider you as a good friend of mine, also a big part of my life. that's why i will miss you so much, and i promise to not forget about you. i wish all the best for you. <333

i am so sorry you were being treated this way. i'm so sad that someone had to ruin the fun experience you could've and should've had. it's fine if you don't wish to continue, darling. as long as you're comfortable and safe, that's all that matters to me. i wish that user nothing but bad luck and despair.

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