yaoi addicted · 26d

are you planning on completing your syongseok royalty au…..

omo.. did yall liked it ? i'm actually writing (little by little, but still writing) it! i don't know if i'm going to post it tho bc sometimes i procrastinate a lot and end up leaving it aside 😭 but i had a lot of ideas about this au and i also imagined a lot of scenes.. bc i love their dynamics SO MUCH and i think it fit them SO WELL.. non chalant prince eunseok w repressed feelings and loyal knight sungchan hopeless in love.. i do have a difficulty writing smut.. and it's a challenge for me bc the objective of this ff is to be a pwf.. well, final answer: we'll see.. if y'all really liked the ideia of the ff i will try harder to finish and post <3

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