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Curious Cat · 17d

after seeing syongseok today i’m convinced they have tried to fuck once.

Curious Cat · 1mo


Curious Cat · 2mo

-sigh - ant is staring at that ass like it's lunch

Curious Cat · 2mo

do you think wonbin has back dimples

Curious Cat · 2mo

Rmbr when wb looked esp beautiful so lsh called him noona and then wb was like no it's oppa but no what shouldn't it be hyung what are we doing ttoribini

oh i think about it literally all the time... mutual feminization ftw next lsh needs to call wb unnie 🤤

Curious Cat · 2mo (shotaro being scandalized is so funny bc sho you have choked them both wdym)

LIKESJFHSHHSDG i think he was excited as hell watching this happen... he def wants in

Curious Cat · 2mo

A little euntaro thought I always have is that 1) they're vers but 2) str gives es little kisses sometimes and it embarrasses the hell out of es but him being es he's :/ about it but his knuckles will get red or his eyebrow will twitch something small that str sees and gets smug about, also 3) smug str in the relationship sort of in a "you love me es" "I like you at best" "uh huh" "...OK maybe a litle"

YESSSSS U GET MEEEEE they are 100% vers and str is so smug and confident abt es feelings for him and i think the first time es says i love you he gets a little flustered but quickly recovers and like haha i knew it ^-^

Curious Cat · 2mo (wb accidentally falls into ants lap and ant is fully prepared for whatever was about to happen, it wasn't expected but man's wasn't gonna complain)

Curious Cat · 2mo

yk what i actually love ab syotdol is how seok seems to rely a lot on taro since hes his only hyung, almost as if he knows that he can be relaxed around taro and be a baby if he wants to because taro will baby him and indulge him in his little habits

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