Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

whore 🫶 · 8mo

sexiest oomfs?

im down so astronomically bad for so many of them if im being so deadass but .. theo (is anyone surprised) rio (is anyone surprised part 2) and hen to start bc I literally talked about all three of them being hot so much my irl knows them all by name 😕. and u can catch me being extremely desperate in all of their replies at any point in time! sawbee rejected my rizz before but imsogay pls just one chance.. link is a new addition to the list after literally like 2 days but im so easy for any hot top who flirts w me sorry 🤒🤒 yuma we don’t flirt but also ur sohotplsonechance UHH mal i want u but u know that kam im slightly scared of u and we don’t talk v much but i also want u tbh sorry.. I could keep going bc actually every single person on rps twt is soo fucking hot for some reason it makes me actually self conscious and I’ll be so honest if u even slightly flirt with me once i will think about it every day for the rest of my life

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