Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Elio · 7mo

Noona, do you know there's so much synonym of "beautiful"? There's cute, adorable, lovely, pretty, attractive, gorgeous, stunning, radiant, alluring, breathtaking, captivating, bewitching, but i'll simplify it as Talya Valora. Hehehe :3 i hope you have a good dreams, noona.

Good shot, Elio! I wonder how many girls out there you have conquered because damn you’re so good at (gombal) words. I’ll put all the compliments you gave today on my shoulders and let everyone know I am THAT Talya Valora. 😎🔥 I am wishing you a good rest as well, Piyiiik. You did well. You did well!

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