Naratama. · 10 answers · 1y

Mind to share what's your coping mechanism?

i can say that crying is the best coping mechanism for me. sometimes i play fool and make fun of what happens too, but crying is way better!

i personally think myself as a person who easily moves on from any problems. But if something keep distract my head then I’ll choose to simply read or watch something.

Nonton sampe mata jereng, kerja, tidur 12 jam, main RP sampe tipes. Tergantung mood aja Yaa

hang out with my friends, watch some movies or series, buy some matcha or milooo, and eat something sweet 🧐 OH, I do study toooo when I get stressssssssss 🤥

Cooking, I will cook until my stress disappears. I don't care who will eat my cooking lol

“It happens for a reason… It’s okay…” aka GASLIGHTING MYSELF. 🧍🏻‍♀️

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