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sapper · 10mo

Thinking about t0ny being possessed over sap 😵‍💫 not letting anyone else touch what’s his..,when there drunk another’s man Trys to hit on sap and t0ny gets in between them and says that sap is already owned 😵‍💫😵‍💫

Yes I think he lets s4pn4p play and do what he wants but he also knows that s4pn4p isn't into random people hitting on him so t0ny gets to really play it up and feed into his own possessiveness and hold s4pn4p close to his side which makes him feel so big and mighty and makes s4pn4p all melty but also it makes s4pn4p so confident and gives him such a rush to be so completely wanted and owned some.times it puts him right into Dom mode and he makes t0ny show s4p who he belongs to 😵‍💫

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