Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

sapper · 8mo

Puppy s4p growling when t0ny asked him to do something t0ny asks “was that a growl?” In an angry tone s4p quickly shakes his head but it’s too late t0ny has him bent over his knee giving him spankings for being a bad pup

And t0ny is usually so gentle and careful with him that this is such a shock even though s4pn4p knows what happens when he's naughty so he's whimpering and kind of pressing into the tight grip on his arm and the crashing smacks against his ass as t0ny reminds him that good pups don't growl when they're asked to do something and also says that he was going to give s4pn4p a treat but now he's not sure he deserves it

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