Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 6mo

how good is childe at eating pussy (be honest)

walk with me...we have to consider that taru honed his craft on some of the most insane pussy in the galaxy. skirk's? full of teeth and tentacles. signora probably tried to crush his skull with her thighs the whole time he was trying. the tsaritsa? i think this is the only time he ever came close to pleasing anyone, but it's entirely because it was during that brief moment where he was her newest toy and she was obsessed with how fresh he was, how shiny. and he can't even begin to explain what she has going on down there. biblically accurate angel pussy. his tongue stuck to it like a frozen lamp post

so i think he's kind of shocked at himself when he makes bennett come in no time at all. he's used to this being a power play, a way to remind him of his place and humiliate him until the receiver gets bored, but bennett's all teary and glowing and looking down at taru wide-eyed like he's some kind of sex god. and it took so little time and effort that he didn't even have a chance to use his foul legacy tongue...

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