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Anonymous · 6mo

what's something that bennett does that drives taru crazy

in my head they're quite opposite when it comes to cleanliness, like, my hc is that the combination of childe's military upbringing and the monster he's hiding inside his own body results in him being extremely preoccupied with looking as normal as possible, and so he's almost always groomed to an obsessive extent; and bennett's a grimy little urchin raised in a house full of stinky half-feral old wilderness men. and i think that occasionally drives childe fucking crazy in the exasperated way you feel when your dog rolls in a pile of shit, but also in a fond older-brotherly (waggles eyebrows suggestively) way like he's constantly licking his thumb and wiping dirt off bennett's cheek or kneeling to hike up his socks and tie his shoes. and then he jacks off about it. FREAK

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