Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

pookiebear · 3mo

idk if this is an odd ask but you really inspire me a lot and i go through your work often in pure amazement and i just have to ask: how do you come up with so many dynamic pieces/poses??? do you use references or is it out of your head? im just amazed either way!!!!! i feel like that’s something i struggle with so much, especially poses off the top of my head so looking at your work just inspires me so much

whoa man that’s crazy to me bc I do not particularly look up to myself in that department. I do a little bit of both tbh usually I look at pics of real people, esp for couple fanart, and also like
anime figurines. I draw from my mind too.. that usually happens when I’m lazy and can be a double edged sword. I’ve been terrrrrrible at this but looking at superhero comic stuff can be helpful too. daredevil or spiderman or like robin/nightwing are fun to look at…. Do not ask me for specifics or artists bc I haven’t been that great at actually reading comics 😭😭😭 this video is good also. and thank you so so so much for your kind words!!! you’re very sweet, it makes me happy my work inspires others

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