
-fan works are fine! just make sure you show me :)
-no i will not be printing physical editions of my books/art, but you're free to print your own at home
-i don't write f/f
-like sheek

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anonymous horndog · 4d

are commissions always open for all your patrons? or only a specific tier

just the $10 tier, but they also get a discount that often amounts to more than $10 so when you think about it it's a steal

anonymous horndog · 9d

pls feel free to ignore this, but if you have any wisdom to impart about how to get into art, i'd greatly appreciate it! i've always wanted to be able to draw and i know now that with enough time and practice i definitely can, i just have no clue where to start!!

i guess figure out what it is you Want to draw and go from there? if it's people fucking, observe people fucking. if it's furries, observe animals. if it's beautiful backgrounds, observe Places.

if you're just starting out it behooves you to learn from observations. you gotta go outside with the pencil and sketchbook

anonymous horndog · 12d

so is vanesse going to be showing up in your next book? As an enjoyer of seeing hot and haughty characters get taken down and fucked I would be excited to see more of her

she is in it but i will tell you for free she doesn't Get fucked on screen in this one. however she does do some fucking

anonymous horndog · 12d

Idk if you've answered this before, but I've bought some of your books and they don't seem to have a copyright thingy page... I wanna sell books too but copyright laws give me a headache. Have you had any problems with this?

anonymous horndog · 13d

Lore question...do fuck elves have a cultural understanding of gender similar to humans or is it entirely different?

totally different, but they're aware of the human genders and will adopt whatever suits them best when outside of their home

anonymous horndog · 14d

Tfw your favorite nsfw artist is a fellow vintage story enthusiast 😳😳

i sent a kofi under this name to my favorite vintage story modder the other day with "can't wait to see what you do next" and got sent a "right back at you!" so assuming that meant they were familiar with my work, we've come full circle

anonymous horndog · 16d

has the knight of thorns considered strapping someone to his front so he could “do” the fucking if that makes sense?

i mean sure but. is that really more exciting than deliberately drawing in knights to rescue her, only to make them fuck her, and use their bones to grow her roses afterward

anonymous horndog · 17d

"after work"? Don't you set your own hours? Sorry for the question, I guess I'm just confused about how the freelance writer workday is structured

i mean yes, i do set my hours. therefore "after work" would mean "after those hours" wouldn't it.

but more specifically when i say "after work" i mean "after working on my graphic novel" which is what i'm referring to whenever i mention a day job. i have a daily/weekly quota of work i need to do to hit my deadlines, so i refer to that as doing my day job even if, on paper, i'm freelance. my novellas occupy more of a monetized hobby space than a day job space, to me.

anonymous horndog · 21d

was there a specific tutorial you were following for the frazetta studies you were doing a while back? i'm trying to find a set of instructions for my friend who was interested in improving their anatomy and remembered you doing it but i can't remember what rules you were following

i didn't really have a hard rule, but what i Did was get a pack of images from grafit studios, assign every image in it a number, and then for two weeks i used random number generator to pick an image to use. for the first week i would trace the pose, then draw the pose from reference, and then draw the pose from memory. and for the second week, i would trace the basic shapes of the figure in a thin line, fill it with a neutral gray, and then paint the values from observation. and i only gave myself an hour to do these (though i often "finished" before the hour was up)

so tell them to do that

anonymous horndog · 21d

do you have any csp models/poses/other assets/anything you can recommend?

if you search taylor titmouse brush on twitter you can find a link to the post with that textured brush i use. but for models and stuff you're better off just searching for things you think you'll need, but tip: search in english And japanese, sometimes you'll find more stuff.

anonymous horndog · 22d

wannabe monsterfuck writer here - idk about others but for me, potential rejection from a creative inspiration is far less brutal than trying to build and sell to an nsfw audience from scratch on sites that are trying their hardest to suppress it 😭 if your answer is no though that's totally fine!

anonymous horndog · 22d

If I were to send you a free copy of monster porn that I'm making and it got your stamp of approval, would you be willing to retweet it to your audience?

are you emotionally prepared for the possibility where i read it and don't like it. serious question. could you stand it if i read it and said no, i didn't like it enough to promote? because i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but i also am incapable of lying when i don't actually like something.

anonymous horndog · 22d

designing some monster brides and once I was done I stood back to look at my work and my immediate thought was "fuck elf core" YOU HAVE CURSED ME

MrHumdrum · 25d

they are just living their little lives and loving it :^) i'm glad that you love them too

anonymous horndog · 27d

do goblinos have pets?

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