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anonymous fish · 1y

What happened during the HII MC?

i was split-screening with my work so i might've missed something but there were two really weird penalties during mc04. the first one involved zhy (the 07-liner newbie) doing that move from i think helishikong where they kneel on the ground. zym was saying that "she's just a kid" and saying that she's born in 2007 so she shouldn't do it, but they ended up going through with the penalty. the other one involved touching/rubbing someone's legs? it's really uncomfortable and i'm thinking that even if all the members involved in the mc are full grown adults, that's still a really weird penalty where they had her stand in front of the curtain while they were behind it and just touched her legs with their hands. and i don't want to think about if zhy had to do that penalty as well, whether they would change it or do that to her because that is VERY weird, bearing in mind that this is also all on stage in front of an audience you know. and i want to emphasize that this isn't just about "don't corrupt the kid" because she is sixteen which is one year younger than me and i'm sure she already knows stuff, but it's very, very different when it's being asked (insisted) of her by her seniors (power imbalance) in front of an audience

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