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QI · 1y

[CC/API] re: why wangyi joined snh48
Maybe can help? From what I ran through google translate, it was mentioned that she likes singing when she was a child, and wanted to perform on stage. Do read the rest of them if you have time, it helped me learn more about her

thanks anon !! i was thinking that i would translate that properly, and then the link loaded... nope i am not reading all that (at least not right now). but you're right, she does say that she liked to sing since young and wanted to stand on a stage to perform for everyone to see (literal/direct translation) (which makes sense, i can't believe it slipped my mind about her singing). she didn't really know anything about snh48, but since she passed the audition and was chosen to debut, then it must suit her right? but after a while she realized that being introverted (that's putting it mildly yiyi ;-;) made it quite difficult for her to shine in the spotlight and she worried about engaging the audience, doing good MCs etc. so that's something she worked on (my translation is getting rougher and rougher sorry)

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