Anon · 8mo

when you read or imagine a SKFS modern au whats the outfit you imagine for them? like the default one haha which modern fits do you think suits them best?

OOOOHHH I always imagine Sukuna to be very well-dressed, like either with a nice shirt, slacks, and a watch, or perhaps a polo with sunglasses hanging from the collar. He leans towards reddish tones, but can pull off lighter or bright colours like yellow with no issue.

Megumi, imo, gets cold easily, so he always wears stuff with long sleeves or high collars. A lot of turtlenecks (which are amazing for hiding the hickeys Sukuna leaves all over him), autumn/fall and winter are his favourite seasons because he then gets to wear long coats (and he will) or thick scarves (Sukuna bought a deep red one with thick black stripes for him).

Basically these are all the outfits I imagined them wearing in fics like "Us Against The World" or "6,000 Yen Per Hour" I HAVE THOUGHTS OKAY :DDD

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