Anon · 8mo

What do you envision a rainy skfs day would be like? Cuddling all day in bed? Warm meals

Rainy mornings mean sleepy Megumis, so Megumi will probably sleep in, curled up beneath all the blankets he stole from Sukuna (who runs warm naturally so he hardly needs any covers but still). Do not expect him to be up before Sukuna ahaha!

But Sukuna doesn't mind. He'll watch his blessing sleep for a while, before getting up to make breakfast (he knows that the wafting scent will slowly wake Megumi up), and then bringing it to bed because the spiky little sleepy head won't fully function until he's had his morning coffee. Then the rest of their day consists of random activities since they're stuck indoors: Megumi will have to entertain his dogs, so Sukuna will have to put up with two very grumpy huskies while they're trying to watch a movie together; they may do some house chores while fooling around a bit; they'll share tea together while the rain continues to pour in sheets outside their window.

And then, inevitably, Megumi will get sleepy again because of all the rain, and he'll tug Sukuna's sleeve as a sign that he wants to retreat for the night, so Sukuna will get the cue and they'll spend the entire evening cuddling in bed. Sukuna has zero complaints because he gets to do whatever he wants to his blessing for the whole night... He just has to remember to lock the door so those two huskies don't get in :<

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